Sherlock holmes art of deduction meme
Sherlock holmes art of deduction meme

sherlock holmes art of deduction meme

Examine the watch, the cigarettes and the gun. Head to the Evidence Room and examine Leighton’s belongings. Confront him about his limp when you ask him about walking to the window, and confront him about the bracelet when asking about the truth. Examine the ram’s heads and talk to Turner. Open the book to retrieve a concealed bracelet.

sherlock holmes art of deduction meme

Use your Talent on the book shelf and examine the book. Finally, activate “Threw something into fire” and watch the sequence. Go back to the kitchen and activate “Cut papers with knife”. Head to the shelves and activate “Placed the broken stick, took something”. Walk up to the window and activate “Approached the body, took something, broke the stick” which is in the street below. Head to the kitchen and activate “Opened the window, looked down”. Return to the bedroom and activate your Imagination.Īctivate “Got up from bed, took the stick”. Examine both of the bodies in the street below. Next, examine the window behind Turner and open it. Examine the knife then use your Talent to examine the shredded paper. Attach the broken piece of wood you found outside to the bottom of the walking stick.Īpproach Ryan Turner and examine the kitchen table. Examine the books on the shelf and the walking stick on the floor beneath it. Leave the bedroom and examine the book shelves to your left. Confront him about his contradiction and he’ll take you into his house.Įxamine the fire to your left and use your Talent to find a burnt paper. Speak with him again and he’ll lie to you. Examine the mirror and return to Ryan Turner. Speak with her (no character portrait for this one) and then cross the street to find a mirror in the back of a cart. Turn left and walk down the path to the road. Link the clues together for a new task: Conflicting statements. Finish questioning him and then open your deductions. Speak with him and complete Character Portrait 24/26 by examining his medal, his right arm and the buttons missing from his jacket. Look past Butler’s body to see a man leaning in a doorway. Examine the wound by his right hand and then examine his head. Use your Talent to examine the piece of wood under his right arm.Įxamine the tattoo on Brian Vercotti’s left hand, then examine his right hand. Examine Kenneth Butler’s head wound and check his left pocket. Speak with the Constable and then examine the bodies on the floor. Head down the tunnel and turn right to find the crime scene. Open your casebook and travel to Half Moon Street. There is also another letter on the mantelpiece for you.

Sherlock holmes art of deduction meme